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Winning Secrets: What having a unique talent strategy means to FUJIFILM (Thailand)

Winning Secrets: What having a unique talent strategy means to FUJIFILM (Thailand)

"Whether you're a multinational or a local company, finding a distinctive way to develop talent is key," Girawee Aussavajittanon, Head of HRBP, shares, referencing the company's blend of a Japanese-Thai workplace culture.

In today’s competitive business landscape, organisations must develop distinctive talent strategies that align with their core values and long-term objectives. By blending cultural strengths, such as meticulous attention to detail and empathy, companies can create an environment that fosters growth and collaboration.

A talent development approach that embraces diverse backgrounds and perspectives is essential for driving both individual and organisational success. When transparency, fairness, and open communication are embedded in the corporate culture, employees feel empowered, their growth aligns with the organisation’s vision, and the foundation for sustainable success is firmly established.

For FUJIFILM (Thailand), the team's belief that fostering the developments and talents in ways that align with both the individual as well as company's needs, is what allowed them to take home the bronze award for 'Excellence in Talent Management' at the HR Excellence Awards 2024 in Thailand.

We sit down with Girawee Aussavajittanon, Head of HRBP, FUJIFILM (Thailand) to learn on how finding a distinctive way to develop talent is essential to overall business success.

What sparked your passion & business case for pursuing your outstanding people strategy?  

Given the diverse nature of FUJIFILLM’s business, each sector has unique needs, customer understanding, and competitive landscapes. We are committed to clearly developing talent within each business area to ensure sustainable growth and a smooth transition to the next generation of leadership. Additionally, we focus on nurturing talents who are not only experts in their own sectors but also have the potential to excel in other areas of the company. This presents a valuable opportunity for both the individual and the organisation.  

This is the driving force behind our Talent Management and Promotion Programme, where executives from various business sectors serve on a committee to select and assess talent. We believe this programme not only elevates the capabilities of our people but also strengthens their connection to the organisation, helping us retain top talent by providing an opportunity for them to showcase their skills and grow with FUJIFILM (Thailand) for the long term.  

Q Looking back, can you share a challenge that you overcame in your journey of HR excellence? How did you triumph?    

This isn’t an initiative that HR can handle alone. We need strong support from the company’s leaders and executives. If the leadership doesn’t prioritise the programme or actively participate in its activities, employees will sense that it holds no real value for them—that it’s just a formality without a meaningful way to assess who has the potential and who deserves opportunities to showcase their abilities.  

We also need the energy and commitment from our talents, who must face high-level challenges and expectations beyond their usual responsibilities. For them to succeed, they need encouragement from their supervisors, as well as fair and tangible incentives. It all begins with leadership clearly communicating to their teams what the programme entails, how it benefits them, and what the next steps are if goals aren’t met.

Moreover, there should be plans in place to support those in the programme and reward those who succeed, ensuring they receive what they truly deserve for their performance and abilities.  

Q Beyond the recognition, what impact do you hope your feature in the HR Excellence Awards would have on the HR community and manpower landscape?  

FUJIFILM (Thailand) aims to foster the development of talents in ways that align with both individual strengths and the company's needs. With a unique blend of Thai and Japanese collaboration, it’s not always easy to build trust between different cultures. However, this diversity of thought and the integration of strengths from both sides can turn into a key competitive advantage for us.  

We actively encourage talents to bring new ideas to the table, which are evaluated through the combined perspectives of both Thai and Japanese leadership. We believe this is a compelling attraction for top talent in the job market, particularly those seeking real cross-cultural experiences within a multinational company.  

The commitment of our leadership in dedicating time and focus to nurturing talents demonstrates the seriousness with which we approach development. This collaborative exchange of knowledge and experience is not only inspiring for all involved—from executives to team members—but also contributes to cultivating high-quality professionals for the Thai workforce.  

Could you share some advice you would give to others aspiring to follow in your footsteps? 

FUJIFILM (Thailand) combines the meticulousness and attention to detail of Japanese working culture with the warmth and empathy of Thai culture, creating a unique approach to talent development. Whether you're a multinational or a local company, finding a distinctive way to develop talent is key.

We also emphasise a corporate culture built on being open, fair, and clear. This approach ensures that all employees, each valued for their unique backgrounds and perspectives, have opportunities to showcase their work and diverse ideas. Their performance is evaluated transparently by our management team, and career growth is facilitated through fair processes. By integrating these principles, we not only support individual growth but also align talent development with FUJIFILM’s purpose and business goals, ensuring a strong future for both our people and the organisation.  

Q Let's talk inspiration! Who has been a driving force behind your success?  

Although this programme was initiated by HR, it’s truly a collective effort driven by everyone in the FUJIFILM (Thailand). Consistent and genuine support from all levels has turned this into a core activity that everyone in the company understands and recognises for its value.  

We also owe a great deal of gratitude to our management team, who have been instrumental in providing attention, feedback, encouragement, and motivation to our talents. Their support has allowed our talents to grow, passing on their energy from one generation to the next, ensuring a strong future for FUJIFILM. 

READ MORE: Winning Secrets: Central Retail's focus on fostering a supportive, inclusive, and growth-oriented culture at work 

Lead image / Provided 

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